How to Speed Up Quicktime Player: A Simple Guide

Quicktime Player is a popular video player for Mac users, but it can be frustrating when you can’t find the controls for video speed. The good news is that there’s a simple way to speed up your Quicktime Player videos and improve your user experience.

First, hover your cursor over the screen with the video loaded. You’ll see the rewind and fast forward buttons, as well as the play button. To speed up the video, press down the alt key on your keyboard and then tap the fast forward key once. If you want to slow down the video, hold down the alt key and press the rewind button.

It’s important to note that when you play videos on a faster speed using Quicktime Player, the sound quality may degrade significantly. However, this knowledge will still come in handy when you need to use Quicktime Player for whatever reason.

This is a quick and easy solution that will save you time and frustration. Hopefully, you’ll never have to deal with this issue again.

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