How to Install and Use Z-Lib C Library

If you are working on a C or C++ project, you may come across the Z-Lib C library as a dependency. This library is used to compress and decompress files and byte streams, and it is widely used. Installing and using the library is straightforward. Here’s how to do it.

First, go to the Z-Lib website and download the latest release (currently 1.2.12). Once downloaded, unzip the file and go into the folder. If you are using the make version, you will need to configure the makefile by setting environment variables. The most important ones are CC, which points to your C compiler, and prefix, which tells the system where to install the package. You may also need to adjust LD Shared if you run into issues with the linker. Once you have set the variables, run configure, make, make test, and make install.

Once you have installed Z-Lib, you can use it in your project. The website provides a usage example that walks you through the code. You can copy the code and build it using CMakeLists.txt. The executable has one source file, and you must include the library and link to the SO file.

To test that the library is working, feed a file into the program and compress it. Then, decompress the file and ensure that it is the same as the original. If everything is working, you are ready to use Z-Lib in your project.

In conclusion, installing and using Z-Lib is simple and straightforward, and it is a useful library to have for any C or C++ project that requires compression or decompression.