How to Reseat RAM: A Helpful Troubleshooting Step

How to remove and reseat RAM Push the tab(s) down that releases the clips in which the RAM is secured. ... Carefully insert the RAM back into the slot, making sure the notches line up. ... Slide the top panel back on, and plug the power cable back in. Plug your monitor, keyboard, and mouse in then turn the computer on.

If your computer won’t post or display anything on the monitor, it could be because of faulty RAM. In this case, reseating the RAM can be a helpful troubleshooting step. So, how do you reseat RAM? Let’s take a look.

Firstly, you’ll need to locate the RAM. In most cases, there are two RAM sticks, one on each side of the motherboard. To remove a RAM stick, you’ll need to locate the release clip. On some motherboards, there will be a release clip on both the top and bottom. On others, like the one in this example, the release clip will only be on the top.

Once you’ve located the release clip, lift it up and make sure there are no wires in the way. Then, slowly pull out the RAM stick from the side. You can set it aside while you reseat the other RAM stick if needed.

To put the RAM stick back in, check the notch on the memory stick. It’s longer on one side than the other, so make sure it lines up with the notch in the middle of the slot. If your motherboard does not have a release clip on the bottom, start with that side first. Push firmly on the bottom until you hear a click, and then push firmly on the top until you hear a click.

And that’s it! Reseating RAM is an easy troubleshooting step that can help resolve issues with your computer. Remember to handle the RAM carefully and avoid touching the gold contacts to prevent any damage.


What does reseat RAM mean?
Reseat describes removing an expansion card or RAM from the computer and then putting it back into the same slot. This process is a common troubleshooting technique. It helps verify that a loosely connected device or connection is not causing your computer issues. Note.
How do I reset my computer's RAM?
Since RAM is short-term data that only exists for programs that are currently running, restarting your device will clear your RAM. Some processes may be running in the background without your knowledge, and a restart is a sure way to tell those processes to stop and give your RAM a break.
How do I make sure my RAM is seated properly?
Align the notch (dotted line) on the RAM stick to the slot and gently push down firmly on both ends of the memory stick until the clip closes up vertically to ensure that it is properly locked in place.
Does removing RAM reset it?
Removing or adding RAM to a computer does not involve resetting the CMOS. The one essential requirement is shutting down the computer and unplugging it from AC power before touching the RAM, and plugging it in and powering it on after.