How to Make MP3 Files Play in Order

Creating a music playlist can be fun and exciting, especially when you have a specific theme in mind. However, exporting these playlists into an external disk and ensuring that they play in the order you want can be challenging. Luckily, there is a simple tool that you can use to make your own mixtape and put it on your MP3 player or send it to a friend or somebody else. In this blog post, we will show you how to make MP3 files play in order using the Amok Playlist Copy.

Amok Playlist Copy is a tool that allows you to export your music playlist from a music player like Windows Media Player, Winamp, or Foobar onto an external disk so that they play in the order you want. This program also converts any playlist file like .wpl or .fpl into an .m3u file that can be played by any media player. The program is easy to use and can be downloaded for free.

First, you need to download the Amok Playlist Copy program from the link provided at the bottom of this post. You have a choice between an installer or a simple .zip file that is portable. Once you have downloaded the program, extract the files using a tool like Universal Extractor. You will need to change the language file from German to English by copying the English language file into the main folder.

To use the program, open the file and select your playlist by clicking and dragging. There is a little player in the program that you can use to play your songs. Be careful not to click on “Delete All” as it merely clears the screen and not your computer or playlist. Click on “Copy/Save” and number the files serially to ensure they play in the order you want.

When you export your playlist using Windows Media Player, the files are arranged alphabetically by artist and by album, which is not always what you want. With Amok Playlist Copy, you can arrange the songs in the order you want and export them to an external disk so that they play in the order you want. You can then play the files on any media player without any issues.

In conclusion, Amok Playlist Copy is a useful tool for those who want to create a music playlist and export it to an external disk so that it plays in the order they want. The program is easy to use and can be downloaded for free. With this tool, you can make your own mixtape, put it on your MP3 player, or send it to a friend or somebody else.


How do I get my mp3 to play in order?
Download and open mp3DirSorter. Drag audio files from the storage device onto mp3DirSorter to sort alphabetically.Alternatively, rename files to be listed numerically, adding 01 at the beginning and repeating with 02, 03, and so on.
How do I get mp3 files to play in order on USB?
This can also be achieved by right clicking >,>, sort by >,>, choose what order you want. If you want to arrange it in an order where the track plays in the sequence that you want, then usually renaming it alphanumerically would do.
How do I normalize mp3 files to play at the same volume?
If you've got an album to correct, select the Down Arrow next to the Track Gain icon and select Album Gain. This mode normalizes all the tracks in the album based on the target volume, but will maintain the volume differences between each track as they were in the original album.
How do I play all mp3 files in a folder?
If you use VLC-MediaPlayer you can simply right click on the folder where the media files are and select "Play with VLC" or something like this. This action selects all media files within the folder and its subfolders.