5 Ways How Social Media Platforms Are Abused

Social media platforms have taken over the world, with approximately one-third of the world’s population using them. However, this widespread use is affecting our brains significantly. Here are five crazy ways that social media and the internet are affecting your brain right now.

Firstly, some people are unable to control how much time they spend online. Brain scans of these people show a similar impairment of regions that those with drug dependence have. This is because social media provides immediate rewards with very little effort required, which causes the brain to begin rewiring itself, making you desire these stimulations. This neurological excitement is addictive.

Secondly, heavy media users perform worse during task switching tests. Increased multi-tasking online reduces your brain’s ability to filter out interferences, and can even make it harder for your brain to commit information to memory.

Thirdly, our brains now perceive an itch as an actual vibration from our phone, known as Phantom Vibration Syndrome. As technology advances, our nervous systems are being rewired, and our brains are being triggered in a way they never have been before in history.

Fourthly, social media triggers a release of dopamine – the feel-good chemical. The same part of your brain related to orgasms, motivation, and love is stimulated by social media use – and even more so when you know you have an audience. Our body is physiologically rewarding us for talking about ourselves online.

Lastly, studies have found that partners tend to like each other more if they meet for the first time online instead of having a face-to-face interaction. The internet has changed our verbal communication with increased physical separation, but the ones that matter most end up even closer.

In conclusion, social media platforms are being abused in various ways, and it is crucial to be aware of how it affects our brain. While there are benefits to using social media platforms, we cannot ignore the negative effects they have on our brains and bodies.